Sort of tutorials and shout-outs to resources I like.
Seldom something else.
REST API driven Block Editor UI or how to remove the Author selector
WordPress hooks, method visibility and converting a callable into closure
Quality Insights Toolkit, a testing platform from WooCommerce
GitHub Action inputs and array values
Install a WordPress plugin from a self-hosted ZIP file using Composer
Provide a Laravel-like facade for your application
Declarative and component-based UI with Signals core
Plugin life support with E2E tests
Long live Comment Saver
Many but at least one using the splat operator
Higher-order Server-Side Rendered WordPress Blocks
Second take, a better post entity creation from Markdown files
A bespoke PHP SSG, post entity creation from Markdown files
Getting carried away when writing code like prose, or not
Setting up Photon locally for WordPress image transformations
First-class callable syntax usage in Laravel
A use case for Foreign Function Interface (FFI) in PHP
Unicode, scripts (writing systems) and Regular Expressions
Notes on an IPTC Media Topic term selector for the Block Editor
Use CommonMark Markdown parser with Jigsaw
To push or not to push, this shall no longer be the question
WebC from Eleventy
CSS custom property to offset the WordPress admin toolbar height
RichText and plain text pasting
Search this site with Pagefind
WebFinger and why it makes things simpler
PSR-20 The Clock Interface
The ethymology of the boilerplate code
Conventional comments for code review
ActivityPub demonstration with WriteFreely and Mastodon
Getting started with Mastodon
Recover an (accidental) git force push with the GitHub API
SerenityOS Emoji
Lesser known WordPress function to validate data structures
Leaving a comment, note with SSH for a website
Gemini protocol, first capsule, and being a web developer
Visualize JSON as a graph with JSON Crank
css-doodle's syntax to write SVG
Static site (micro)blogging with Telegram and DigitalOcean Functions
Introducing PHPSandbox Play
Trigger a GitHub action with repository_dispatch
Testing nested HTML Components with the test implementation
Metasyntactic variables
Prettier plugin to sort imports
Guerrilla SMTPd and PHP SMTP servers
XSLT to transform XML to HTML
CSS has pseudo-class revolution
Testing HTML Components
Systems.css, design system for building retro Apple interfaces
ELS, product pricing based on pricing policy rules
YAML and the Norway problem
Style your RSS Feed with CSS
Private, organization-owned GitHub repos are Netlify Pro plan only
The Hidden History of Screen Readers
Termwind, front-end like syntax for Symfony Console
Limits of visited CSS pseudo-class and one use case for it
Inpsyde Modularity Properties
Terminal styles websites with LiveTerm
Luzi Type, a Swiss type design studio, got a redesign
FreeDNS, a place to get a subdomain for your project
Get an SSL certificate for the PHP Apache Docker image variant with Certbot
DigitalOcean Functions a serverless computing solution
msgWP but for static sites
Laravel inspired package discovery for HTTP Fn
Figma Linux Font Helper
Kill the Newsletter! and Nodemailer SMTP Server
Server-side vs Client-side Analytics
Custom RSS Bridge for Dense Discovery
WordPress Anonymizer
HTTPS using Nginx and Let's encrypt in Docker
Static sites and too many Git commits related to content update
RSS Bridge, the RSS feed for websites missing it
Monochrome Noto Emoji
HTTP Fn, an extensible, event-driven micro framework for random functions
Cool Things People Do With Their Blogs
Automated NGINX proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
Remotion, write videos in React
My WordPress environment for vetting Codeable experts
WP CLI DB Anonymize by Blavet Studio
Helping the Civic Tech Field Guide with accessibility issues
Straightforward, minimal Docker Compose setup for Eleventy
Physical ticket for a new GitHub issue
Has selector, some use cases for it
The beginning of boldelse
Plans for FormBus 0.6, refactoring to be more modular and slim
Intro to CSS layout model
Making sure your email is marked as spam
AWS SDK PHP sub-splits
The WooCommerce Store API is stable
Atkinson Hyperlegible as a default font for a WordPress theme
TasteWP links to spin up a site with a specific plugin or theme
Introducing the Pulse
Generating custom propreties from a configuration with Sass
The forgotten Sent Messages for Sensei LMS
Automate explicit date assignments for Eleventy posts using Git log
12ft Ladder to remove paywalls
Well-known URL for changing password in WordPress
Wrap elements in a group with a border using TCPDF
There's something I would change about the Gravity Forms Payment Add-On Framework
Finding the WordPress application authorization URL
Using the directives of FormBus without the submission functionality
Save WordPress emails to the filesystem
Taking a look at Reseter.css
Nunjucks macros are like React components
Sponge, to soak up standard input and write to a file
Charts.css, a promising CSS-only charting framework
The $component custom Alpine.js magic property
CSS stacking context
Persist changes from within a GitHub Action workflow
Class-less CSS frameworks
Scheduled GitHub Actions
Commit without file changes in Git
Forgiving regex to extract key-value pairs from plain text files
Hands-on guide for curl
Global state management for Alpine.js
Command Line Interface Guidelines
Publish your package to npm with a GitHub Action
Alpine.js directives and WordPress sanitization
WordPress query parameters and developer experience
Limit WordPress REST API route to an IP range
HTML manipulation with PHP
Nunjucks whitespace control and text file sitemaps
Configure Netlify to run a specific PHP version